
Visit of delegation from Shenzen (China)

Discussions on the topics of polymer batteries and nanomedicine
Image: FSU Jena / Renzo Paulus


Vortrag Prof. Schubert

Image: FSU Jena / Renzo Paulus

A distinguished delegation from the Chinese district of Shenzhen visited the Jena Center for Soft Matter (JCSM), the CEEC Jena and Professor Ulrich S. Schubert on 21 June. Among others, Mr. Yao Ren, party secretary from the metropolis Shenzhen, as well as representatives of the German Chamber of Industry and Commerce in Guangzhou and the CIPA of the Chinese Ministry of Economics were guests and informed themselves primarily about the topics of polymer batteries and nanomedicine. 

The Pearl River Delta metropolis of Shenzhen is considered to have great economic potential as part of the maritime Silk Road. Because of its status as a special economic zone, it is regarded as an important city for foreign investment and is one of the fastest growing cities in the world. We would be very pleased about a further exchange on the topics of economy, science and education in the future!