![ESACT 2019](https://www.schubert-group.uni-jena.de/iomc2media/2440/810x456-at-0-139.jpeg?height=428&width=760)
The turbulent congress month of May is coming to an end and the Schubert Group was not completely idle!
The 5th Euro BioMAT 2019External link took place in Weimar from 8 to 9 May on the topic of production, characterisation, testing and application of biomaterials and related fields. Five of our PhD students - Michael Dirauf, Thomas Wloka, Paul Klemm, Blerina Shkodra-Pula and Mandy Grube - provided information about our work in their lectures and represented the Schubert working group so dignifiedly.
Shortly before, Dr. Anja Träger and Friederike Richter went to Copenhagen for the 26th ESACT MeetingExternal link. From 5 to 8 May, 2019, everything there revolved around the topic "Cell culture technologies: bridging academia and industry to provide solutions for patients".
And last but not least, apl. Prof. Dr. Michael Gottschaldt, Nora Engel and Michael Dirauf attended the status seminar of the ProMat Leben project of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) in Berlin at the end of the month. The following picture shows Nora Engel and Michael Dirauf together with Michael Tully, a cooperation partner of Freie Universität Berlin.