Jena/Bayreuth – Scientists from the universities of Jena and Bayreuth are working with BASF on a process to improve the analysis and reuse of plastic waste. Professor Dr. Ulrich S. Schubert explained on Jena TV that a modular robot continuously collects samples, which are analyzed using a state-of-the-art mass spectrometer. The collected data is fed into an artificial intelligence system to automate the sorting and recycling of materials at waste processing facilities.
According to Professor Schubert, this technology was previously used for the production of new plastics, but it is now being repurposed to analyze and separate existing plastics. A major challenge is the recycling of plastic waste from yellow bins, which is often incinerated or sent to landfills. The project aims to enable more sustainable use and reintegrate plastic waste into the circular economy.
In addition to BASF, other industrial partners are involved. The project is supported with over one million euros in public funding. Professor Schubert emphasizes that the technology is expected to be implemented in industrial applications soon and will play a key role in the sustainable use of plastics.
For more details, watch the full news on Jena TV.External link
Chemist in the laboratory
Image: Screenshot from Jena TV