graduation cap

Congratulations... our graduates!
graduation cap


We congratulate the following graduates on the successful defense of their master and bachelor theses from September to December 2019:

Johannes Schenk (Bachelor)
Topic: Verkapselung des anti-entzündlichen Wirkstoffes BRP-187 in polymere Nanopartikel

Gizem Cinar (Master)
Topic: In-situ characterization of polymeric drug-delivery systems

Lennart Hendrik Skodda (Bachelor)
Topic: Multifunktionalisierte "clickbare" Ruthenium-Photosensibilisatoren

Pascal Scharfenberg (Bachelor)
Topic: Self-assembly of functional polymers

Dominic Oliver Harz (Master)
Topic: Cylindrical polymer micelles through directed hydrogen bonds

Katharina Leer (Master)
Topic: Firmer responsive block copolymers for gene delivery

Nino Eberhardt (Master)
Topic: Responsive cryogels based on crosslinkable poly(2-oxazolines)