Scientists in front of a computer


Scientists in front of a computer
Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)


Image: Bild von William Iven auf Pixabay

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  1. Symbolbild Vortrag
    Image: Jarmoluk
  2. Low angle view of scientists holding various test tubes
    Image: LightFieldStudios
  3. PhD defence by Ilya Anufriev
    Image: H. Tarik Cetin
  4. Glossy magazine with pages rolled
    Image: FabrikaPhoto
  5. At the University of Jena, synthesis robots are investigating the recycling of polymers
    Image: Anna Schroll
  6. PhD Defense by Gauri Gangapurwala
    Image: H. Tarik Cetin
  7. Symbolbild Vortrag
    Image: Jarmoluk
  8. Symbolbild Vortrag
    Image: Jarmoluk
  9. Symbolbild Vortrag
    Image: Jarmoluk
  10. Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schubert, Prof. Dr. Andreas Marx, Wolfgang Tiefensee und Dr. Felix Streiter in CEEC II
    Image: H. Tarik Cetin
  11. Long Night of Science 2024
    Image: H. Tarik Cetin
  12. Prof. Dr Ulrich S. Schubert and Dr Natalie Göppert in front of a synthesis robot for automated copolymerisation.
    Image: Anna Schroll/Universität Jena
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