Polymere Aktivmaterialien

Priority Programme “Polymer-Based Batteries” (SPP 2248)

The Senate of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) established the Priority Programme “Polymer-Based Batteries” (SPP 2248). The programme is designed to run for six years. The present call invites proposals for the second three-year funding period.
Polymere Aktivmaterialien
Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)


Amongst the different energy storage systems/batteries, polymer-based batteries represent an emerging technology. They feature interesting properties like a light weight, printability, flexibility as well as charging within few minutes (down to even seconds). Such polymer-based batteries can be fabricated utilising organic polymers without the requirement for other critical raw materials. The well-defined structure of organic/polymer materials offers reliable structure-property relationships, and, thus, a well controllable and tuneable electrochemical behaviour can be achieved. In continuation of the first funding period, the SPP aims at the elucidation of structure-property relationships, the design and synthesis of novel active materials, which will result in polymer-based batteries that feature enhanced properties. These properties can include, for instance, higher capacities, a longer lifetime over many cycles as well as a higher rate performance.

Therefore, the research within this SPP will be divided into

  • modelling for the identification of promising materials,
  • understanding of the occurring (redox) processes as well as possible side reactions,
  • the design and synthesis of redox-active polymers,
  • the development of novel electrolytes,
  • detailed characterisation in order to shed light on the processes occurring in the composite mixtures that are used as the battery electrodes (particularly by in situ and in operando characterisation techniques).

There are three main pillars of the planned research activities: modelling, synthesis of the materials (i.e. redox-active polymers, electrolytes, carbon-rich materials) and characterisation (from the level of the materials over electrodes to full cells). Preferably, consortia of two or three principal investigators should form and cover at least two of these research fields in their joint proposal. For instance, modelling and characterisation projects should be linked to a synthetic partner. At least one half cell of a polymer-based battery should be the central core of the corresponding projects – the study of full cells is not mandatory (the half cells can be tested utilising metal-based electrodes, e. g., Li, Na, Zn). Projects devoted to bringing polymer-based batteries closer to application (e. g., Internet of Things, sensor systems, smart packing) are also highly encouraged. The participation of young research groups in the consortia is greatly encouraged.

The priority programme is focused on “solid” polymer-based batteries, i. e. the following topics will be excluded:

  • Pure optimisation studies of other (non-polymeric) electrodes (e. g. Si-anodes) in combination with “standard”/established polymer electrodes (e. g. poly(TEMPO))
  • Organic redox flow batteries
  • Polymer redox flow batteries
  • Polymer electrolytes for any (e. g. Li, Na or other) metal-ion batteries (without any polymer-based active materials)

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